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Webinar: How to deploy network based intrusion detection systems in vehicles

Title slide of the ETAS webinar - Network-based intrusion detection systems

Cyber threats are constantly evolving. Systems that are considered secure today can be vulnerable to attack tomorrow. Recent examples have shown that vehicle manufacturers must take precautions. The long service life of modern cars demands that action also be taken to avert potential, as yet unknown threats.

New regulatory requirements, e.g. by UNECE WP.29 and ISO/SAE 21434 underline the importance of appropriate cybersecurity measures. In the near future, automobile manufacturers will have to take measures to detect security incidents on vehicles in the field, to ensure effective defense against cyber attacks and to enable rapid roll-out of countermeasures on vehicle fleets. Intrusion detection and data traffic monitoring become more and more important.

In this webinar recording we will share with you our experiences in deploying network based intrusion detection systems (IDS) in vehicles. We will discuss todays network IDS approaches, and in particular the benefits of a rule-based IDS and how to integrate such a system in the vehicle architecture.

Key topics and takeaways

  • Overview on IDS approaches and benefits of a rule-based IDS
  • The importance of tooling for IDS configuration
  • How IDS can support during vehicle validation
  • Network IDS and AUTOSAR
  • Benefits of CycurIDS



  • Dr. Jan Holle, Lead Product Manager IDPS

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