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Webinar: From In-vehicle Intrusion Detection to Responsive Attack Prevention

Title slide of the ETAS webinar on how to come from intrusion detection to attack prevention

An intrusion detection system (IDS) will be a core element of continuous cybersecurity in the automotive industry as permanent cyber risk management is becoming a type approval imperative. However, detection is only the first step in taking action against malicious attacks of the vehicle fleet. In the future, IDS systems are required to support also preventive actions to address attacks within a short time frame, rendering the IDS to an IDPS (Intrusion Detection and Prevention System).

The IDPS may act as protection against cyberattacks and their fleet-wide scaling. The ETAS experts Siddharth Shukla and Andreas Weber will give insights into different prevention techniques and how those can be combined with IDS sensors to protect the vehicle E/E architecture. Specifically, the colleagues will address how automotive firewalls can be utilized to enable in-vehicle intrusion prevention.

Key topics and takeaways

  • Introduction to mandatory regulations and in-vehicle IDS
  • Overview on prevention possibilities
  • Technical deep dive automotive firewall technologies
  • Utilization of an automotive firewall for prevention
  • Outlook and Q&A



  • Dr. Siddharth Shukla, Product Manager, Network Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
  • Firewall and Andreas Weber, Product Manager, Host-based IDS und IDPS Distribution Framework

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