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Training in Germany

Security testing

Man looks at a dashboard on the PC screen

Introduction to security testing methods for the entire lifecycle.

Participants of this training learn about the general cybersecurity testing lifecycle for automotive products, get an overview of practical and effective security testing methods and will understand how the requirements of global automotive regulations and standards can be fulfilled.





1 day




  • Product managers, project managers, test managers, and security managers who need to establish a solid understanding about security testing methods and how to apply them throughout the development lifecycle.
  • System engineers, system architects and testers who are responsible for the execution of test strategies.


  • Get to know the motivation, challenges and limitations of security testing
  • Find out how to thoroughly consider security testing in the product development lifecycle (e.g., testing activities in the different phases of the lifecycle)
  • Get an overview of different security testing methods and understand the differences
  • Learn and understand the basic principles of security testing
  • Learn and understand “what” to target in the security testing in which testing setup (e.g., systems, devices, components, interfaces)
  • Get to know how to handle identified weaknesses and which mitigation options exist
  • Understand the requirements for security testing from the most prominent standards and regulations
  • Interactive exercises to strengthen understanding of individual topics


  • Technical understanding of systems/products and system/product development
  • Basic understanding of IT security is helpful
Man sitting on a desk looking at a laptop display with etas content.

Training registration

Consulting, Training & Operation Services
Borsigstr. 24
DE 70469 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711 3423-2283

Please contact us for available dates.