INCA User Training
2 Days
Portuguese or English
A 2-day training class for anyone who wants to learn to calibrate and measure control unit functions in the vehicle using INCA.
Classes may be taught in either English or Portuguese.
INCA User Training
ETAS Brasil offers regular INCA training on demand. Contact for more information.
March 24-25, 2025
São Paulo (SP)
April 28-29, 2025
São Paulo (SP)
May 26-27, 2025
São Paulo (SP)
June 23-24, 2025
São Paulo (SP)
July 28-29, 2025
São Paulo (SP)
August 25-26, 2025
São Paulo (SP)
Do you want to calibrate and acquire the functions of the vehicle control unit using INCA? If your answer is yes, then this training is perfect for you.
INCA User training covers the following topics:
You will learn about the interaction between software and hardware:
- Architecture and functionality of ETKs and ECU interface equipment (ES592, ES582)
- Concept of calibration pages (Work Page and Reference Page) and division between code and data
- ASAM-MCD-2-MC descriptive files (. A2L) and binary (. HEX, S29)
- Connection of additional equipment and configuration of measuring channels
You will become familiar with INCA's "Database" through practical exercises:
- Access to the "Database" and build the file structure intelligently
- Detailed explanation of the elements "Workspace", "Project" and "Experiment".
- Creation of new projects in INCA's "Database
- Adding a project and its data and calibrations to the "Workspace"
- Import and export of the structure and elements of a "Database".
You will be able to adapt the measurement and calibration environment of INCA to your specific application:
- Selection and allocation of variables according to their nature, source and acquisition rate
- Creation and measurement of additional mathematical channels (averages, filters, integrals, etc.)
- Configuration of variables in a series of customizable instruments and windows
- Experiment management options: save, copy, and export list of variables
You will have contact with the theory and practical exercises of measurement, calibration, recording and data management:
- Practice of measurement and calibration processes in the INCA environment
- Management and transfer of data sets between INCA and ECU/ETK
- CheckSum", "Download", "Upload", "Copy" and "Flash" processes
- Data recording, recorder management, conditional recordings
- Detailing of calibration instruments for scalar parameters, maps and curves
- Creation and export of calibration data files (. hex), write data protection
You will learn how to manage multiple calibrations with the "Calibration Data Manager" (CDM):
- Documentation of calibrations and their evolution
- Comparison and junction of data from different calibrations
- Creation of standardized data exchange files: DCM, CVX, etc.
You will analyze data measured with INCA in the Measure Data Analyzer (MDA):
- Import of standardized measurement files (.dat, .mf4) and configurations
- Variable selection and instrument visualization: oscilloscope, table, basic statistics, map (GPS)
- Operations with cursors and creation of mathematical channels during post-treatment
- Instrument display configuration: axes, signals, tables and graphics
- Generation of standardized data documentation files
You will have the opportunity to work with ETAS measurement and calibration modules:
- Configuration of measuring channels, filters and sensor curves (ES4xx, ES6xx)
- Theory and practice of oxygen measurement process and lambda meters’ configuration (ES63x)
- ECU access equipment via automotive communication protocols (F / XETK, ETK, CCP, XCP, OBD)
Trainings are held in classes of up to 5 students in Portuguese or English.
- Cost: On request
- Prerequisites: Microsoft Knowledge © Windows is strongly recommended.
- Registration: Fill out the registration form by selecting the desired date on the training summary page.