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ETAS analytics toolbox (EATB)

Measurement data analysis and reporting for large data volumes

The image shows the ETAS analytics toolbox (EATB) with user-friendly data visualization on a PC screen.

The ETAS analytics toolbox (EATB) reporting tool helps you search, analyze, and visualize large amounts of measurement data in a very short time. It is a perfect fit for a variety of automotive use cases like the development of ECU software, system testing on the test bench, or evaluation of on-the-road test drives. The data analysis is performed automatically using freely programmable scripts.

Your benefits

High performance

Handling of large measurement files volumes.

Masters complexity

Easy identification of relevant events.


Direct access from INCA, connecting ETAS analytics toolbox (EATB) and measure data analyzer (MDA).


ETAS analytics tool box user interface showing traffic light logic

The ETAS analytics toolbox has been designed to provide calibration engineers, software developers, and other engineers with a quick overview of large volumes of data and to directly identify deviations. Customer-specific testing criteria define the permissible bandwidth for certain measurement results. They are stored in templates and provide the basis for data analyses.

The report’s graphical user interface displays the results using the traffic light format. Correct calibration values are displayed in green. Deviations from the limit value within a defined range are shown in yellow. Deviations from the limit value outside the specified range or parameters that are not defined in the template are displayed in red. As soon as a criterion is exceeded in a part of the range, the entire range appears in red. This allows the assigned engineer to identify the area in which a detailed fault analysis needs to be carried out immediately.

You can store the interactive reports centrally on web servers. This enables project participants to access the same data set from different locations at the same time using a standard web browser – even on mobile devices. A record of all reports is provided in the report history.

Since the templates are also stored on a central web server, development engineers benefit from a shared template library. Once a template has been created, it can be reused. All engineering teams can benefit from the knowledge base, which is built up successively.

The visual depicts a diagram showing how a workflow can be optimized with automated use cases.

Analysis, reporting, and recalibration: with its Python or MATLAB®-based templates, the EATB is the perfect companion for the calibration, measurement, and diagnostic tool chain in the ETAS world. You can also deploy it as a stand-alone product. The open system is compatible with both ETAS and third-party products. Its full potential is developed best when used in combination with other ETAS products.

Working with the EATB is based on two interlinked workflows. In the first step, data from the vehicle or a virtual environment like ETAS INCA is generated and converted into a measurement data file (MDF). In the local use case, MDF files are analyzed on a laptop or desktop computer using the EATB. It searches, structures, and analyzes the large volumes of data automatically based on a template programmed with customizable parameters. This minimizes the likelihood of errors and amount of time needed. The EATB then creates an interactive report that provides the project participants with a quick overview of the measurement results. The report makes it easy to identify the areas in which calibration engineers and other engineers need to subsequently make adjustments to improve the ECU software. For a detailed, in-depth analysis of the relevant areas, you can easily transfer data to the measure data analyzer (MDA).

The developer team benefits from a strong boost in efficiency through automated use cases. The measurement data generated in each subsequent test run is automatically uploaded to a server and analyzed on the basis of the preset template. The team then receives the clearly structured report directly after the test run.

Python or MATLAB®-based templates are used as the basis for the calculations and subsequently generated report. Various criteria, such as parameters and their limit values, can be defined in the templates and evaluated automatically.

Users are free to adapt and customize the template design.

The openness of the system offers a further benefit: the templates enable specialist knowledge to be stored within the company. Further templates can be created without much effort. Each project participant can directly identify and understand the areas in which the vehicle variants differ.

Once the templates have been created, they can be stored and versioned on a central web server and used by all employees in the company without the need for any further programming. As a result, a considerable template library will grow over time, ensuring ever greater effectiveness.

The visual depicts a browser screenshot of a graphically appealing EATB report.

The interactivity of the reports provides you with even more options for analyzing the data. You can explore the available data at various levels of detail and gradually fine-tune your analyses. The lightbox display allows you to present individual charts as an image gallery, while predefined filters simplify the selection of measurement data.

The EATB offers a wide range of visualization options. For instance, statistical measuring parameters can be clearly displayed on up to four axes.

The following visualization options are available:

  • Scatter plots/point clouds of observational pairs
  • Histograms for visualizing frequency distributions
  • Time plots for visualizing time series data
  • GPS maps for visualizing geolocation data
  • Tabular minimum-maximum charts to check diagnosis frequency
  • IUMPR ratio from measurements with six- and seven-bit INT8 values


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