Measurement data analysis and reporting for large data volumes
Your benefits
High performance
Handling of large measurement files volumes.
Masters complexity
Easy identification of relevant events.
Direct access from INCA, connecting ETAS analytics toolbox (EATB) and measure data analyzer (MDA).
You can store the interactive reports centrally on web servers. This enables project participants to access the same data set from different locations at the same time using a standard web browser – even on mobile devices. A record of all reports is provided in the report history.
Since the templates are also stored on a central web server, development engineers benefit from a shared template library. Once a template has been created, it can be reused. All engineering teams can benefit from the knowledge base, which is built up successively.
Python or MATLAB®-based templates are used as the basis for the calculations and subsequently generated report. Various criteria, such as parameters and their limit values, can be defined in the templates and evaluated automatically.
Users are free to adapt and customize the template design.
The openness of the system offers a further benefit: the templates enable specialist knowledge to be stored within the company. Further templates can be created without much effort. Each project participant can directly identify and understand the areas in which the vehicle variants differ.
Once the templates have been created, they can be stored and versioned on a central web server and used by all employees in the company without the need for any further programming. As a result, a considerable template library will grow over time, ensuring ever greater effectiveness.
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