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Lambda modules

Lambda modules measurement

Smart lambda sensor cables of the ETAS CBS10x product family and the Bosch LSU 4.9 wideband lambda sensor can help control combustion and oxidation processes – for example in heating systems, furnaces, and industrial systems.

The ES43x and ES63x lambda measurement modules facilitate the acquisition of the characteristic mixture formation variables of oxygen content, air/fuel ratio, and lambda (λ). The modules are connected to Bosch LSU wideband lambda probes, which are installed in the exhaust system as a measurement sensor.

Automotive vehicle and engine development deploys wideband lambda probes in conjunction with precision lambda oxygen measuring devices for testing and calibrating. The lambda measurements obtained in this manner become the basis for calibrating the lambda values of engine control units. The devices are able to monitor lambda values greater or smaller than one in a wide measurement range. They are suited for the development and testing of lambda controls of diesel engines and of lean concepts for gasoline and gas engines.

The ES430 and ES432 lambda modules are capable of withstanding the environmental conditions which are typical for exhaust system installations.

The single and dual-channel ES63x lambda modules can be used either standalone or as a measuring device in a calibration environment. Data acquisition of ES630/ES631 lambda modules is synchronized with ES400 and ES600 measurement modules.

The smart lambda sensor cables in the CBS10x product family help regulate and control combustion and oxidization processes for example in heating systems, furnaces and industrial equipment fitted with Bosch LSU 4.9 broadband lambda sensors.

For over a decade, ETAS has been offering lambda meters for Bosch-manufactured LSU wideband lambda sensors. The lambda reference instruments are standard parts of the measuring instrumentation for test bench and in-car testing.

Functions at a glance

  • Measurement of oxygen content in the exhaust gas
  • Support of Bosch LSU wideband lambda probes and NTK ZFAS®-U2
  • Modules can be used standalone


Lambda closed-loop control

Oxygen probes – also referred to as lambda sensors – measure the oxygen contained in automotive exhaust emissions. The air-fuel ratio, or lambda number (λ) determines the mass ratio of air and fuel in the combustion chamber, as it relates to the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio. When λ=1, ideally balanced combustion conditions result in neither oxygen starvation nor excess. A reading of λ < 1 indicates air starvation (rich mixture), whereas λ > 1 indicates an excess of air (lean mixture). The classic lambda closed-loop control provides a stoichiometric air-fuel mixture for combustion in spark ignition engines. The process enriches the exhaust gases in a proportion suitable for optimal processing by three-way catalytic converters. Diesel engines or gasoline engines with direct injection are operated with a lean combustion across a wide load range, with the nitrogen oxide (NOx) content of emissions steeply rising in conjunction with the increasing combustion temperature. Exhaust gas recirculation is a means of reducing the combustion temperature, along with the NOx proportion of emitted exhaust gases. The residual NOx in the stream of exhaust gas can be held in the NOx storage catalytic converter, until it can be reduced to nitrogen during phases of rich combustion. The lambda number represents the setpoint control value for both exhaust recirculation and catalytic exhaust gas scrubbing. On diesel engines, the lambda number can be used as the basic value for setting the smoke limit at full load.

Lambda oxygen sensors

The functional principle of lambda oxygen sensors is based on the oxygen ion conductance of zirconium oxide at high temperatures. Discrete-level (or bistable) sensors measure the conductive voltage of a measuring cell (Nernst cell), producing, within a narrow range at the stoichiometric point, highly sensitive responses to changes in oxygen concentration. Conventional lambda control places discrete-level sensors either upstream or downstream of a catalytic converter, serving as leading and control probes, respectively. The purpose of the control probe is to assist control optimization as well as to monitor catalytic converter function within as part of onboard diagnostics. In the case of wideband zirconia sensors, the oxygen concentration of the test gas inside the Nernst cell is set to λ=1. This is accomplished by pumping – i.e., injecting or extracting – oxygen ions into or from the test gas. The size and direction of the pumping current facilitate the accurate definition of lambda values even in the presence of nonstoichiometric combustion. When deployed as main sensors, wideband zirconia lambda sensors provide oxygen control in both rich and lean mixture ranges. Due to their stable measuring characteristics, these sensors enhance the dynamics of the classic lambda control loop.

The LSU wideband sensors from Bosch work reliably at temperatures above 600 °C (1112 °F). They are designed for a permanent duty cycle at exhaust gas temperatures of up to 930 °C (1706 °F) and short-term peaks of up to 1030 °C (1886 °F). As the sensors incorporate an internal heater, they are operational with cold exhaust flow and functional within a few seconds of starting a cold engine. The effect of the heater minimizes the influence of the exhaust temperature on the sensor signal.

Compatible products


Hardware Service Pack (HSP)

The HSP Hardware Service Pack facilitates an easy firmware update of ETAS hardware products.

INCA software products

INCA integrates a wide variety of ECU and bus interfaces and measuring devices such as the lambda modules.

ES430 / ES432 – lambda modules
ES63x – lambda modules
[1] XCP-on-Ethernet
[2] XCP-on-Ethernet


ES900 – prototyping and interface modules

Configured by INTECRIO, ES430, ES432, ES630, and ES631 lambda modules supply measurement signals to functions running on an ES910 rapid prototyping module in real time.

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