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Powerful cryptographic library for the security of your embedded systems

Screenshot of the ESCRYPT CycurLIB v4.17.0 Configuration Tool, an encryption library configuration tool used for setting up and managing cryptographic settings.

ESCRYPT CycurLIB is a comprehensive and customizable cryptographic library. It has acquired a solid reputation over many years for its outstanding performance in resource-constrained environments. ESCRYPT CycurLIB is developed with ASPICE (level 2) and ISO 26262 (up to ASIL D) compliant processes and supports all common cryptographic algorithms and certificate standards (incl. Chinese standards).

Your benefits

Flexible use

Runs on all platforms and can be optimized for different processors regarding speed, RAM, and ROM.


Supports AUTOSAR and non-AUTOSAR configurations.

Long-term secure

Geared to new cybersecurity regulations (ISO/SAE21434) with long-term support and maintenance.

Proven quality and professional support

A table comparing freeware cryptographic libraries and professional, application-specific cryptographic libraries
In contrast to freeware crypto libraries, ESCRYPT CycurLIB is geared to customer-specific requirements and offers quality-assured software development and competent support.


Low footprint

ESCRYPT CycurLIB has an impressively small resource footprint and minimal resource consumption.

CycurLIB on board of millions of Volkswagen vehicles

shows a parking lot with many vehicles from a bird's eye view

ESCRYPT CycurLIB is the standard security software for securing in-vehicle communications and vehicle connectivity in Volkswagen cars. Above all, Volkswagen appreciates the comprehensive range of highly efficient implementations of common cryptographic functions, its resource efficiency, great portability, and platform independence. ESCRYPT CycurLIB is installed in millions of Volkswagen vehicles, ensuring a strong security basis that has proven its worth time and again.

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