Steps to evaluate EHANDBOOK-NAVIGATOR:
Note: Please use Firefox, Chrome, or MS Edge.
1. Download software
- Get access to ETAS License & Download Portal by registering or login
- After login change Public_Download to [User name]_Trial in the dropdown on the upper right
- Download your ETAS software
2. Download trial license
- Go to the „List of your licenses“ section (menu „License Support“ -> „List Licenses“)
- Select the line of your trial license and use the option „Save To File“ in menu „View“
- Save the *.lic-file to your PC
3. Installation
- Install your downloaded ETAS software
- Open the ETAS License Manager (Windows start menu -> ETAS -> License Management -> ETAS License Manager)
- Add your downloaded *.lic-file by using the menu „File“ -> „Add License“
4. Start
- Now you are ready to start your ETAS software