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Fast fuzz testing for better cyberresilience

A robotic hand reaches towards a microchip with a shield emblem, symbolizing cybersecurity, on a blue and purple digital background.
  • Focuses on automotive protocols to satisfy requirements of UN R-155 and ISO/SAE 21434
  • Discovers regularly more defects and is up to 8.5 times faster than competitor tools
  • Allows testing of single and multiple ECUs at the same time (fuzzing on full-vehicle level), virtual ECUs, in open and closed-loop setups
  • Offers a modular architecture that makes the tool integrable into automated workflows, CI/CD pipelines or virtual platforms

Stuttgart, Germany, November 9, 2023 – ESCRYPT CycurFUZZ, the new fuzzing tool from ETAS, takes fuzz testing to a whole new level with regard to speed and defect detection rate. Outstandingly fast and accurate, ESCRYPT CycurFUZZ enables OEMs, technical service providers, and suppliers to assess the security maturity of their automotive systems. In this way, it helps to improve the software quality of products throughout the development and validation process, and ensures compliance with regulatory requirements.

Increasing complexity coupled with international regulations like UN R-155 and ISO/SAE 21434 mean that cybersecurity testing is a mandatory part of developing and validating automotive systems. Fuzzing has become a well-known and established testing method in the industry and is explicitly recommended in ISO/SAE 21434 for validating the robustness and cyberresilience of automotive systems and identifying weaknesses at an early stage.

ETAS is now offering ESCRYPT CycurFUZZ, an automotive fuzz testing tool designed to help OEMs and suppliers meet current regulations and standards as well as customize, automate, and accelerate the test procedure.

Efficiently embedded into the development process, ESCRYPT CycurFUZZ enables automakers and their suppliers to constantly improve the software quality and cyberresilience of their products at an early stage.

The new fuzzing tool supports various fuzz test targets, such as single and multiple physical or virtual ECUs, and different Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) and Software-in-the-Loop (SiL) setups. At the same time, ESCRYPT CycurFUZZ achieves a unique defect detection rate at an execution speed that is much faster than other fuzz testing tools. “Thanks to dynamic timing and automatic exception handling, ESCRYPT CycurFUZZ is up to 8.5 times faster than similar solutions on the market,” says Marcos Cardoso, Product Manager at ETAS. “Moreover, it detects between 66 and 600 percent more defects because it fully adheres to automotive protocol specifications and provides full test coverage and stability in the event of unexpected responses.”

Further information about ESCRYPT CycurFUZZ can be found here.

About ETAS

ETAS GmbH is a wholly owned subsidiary of Robert Bosch GmbH, represented in twelve countries in Europe, North and South America, and Asia. ETAS' portfolio includes software development tools, software testing solutions, automotive middleware, data acquisition & processing tools, authoring & diagnostic solutions, automotive cybersecurity solutions, and end-to-end engineering and consulting services for the realization of software-defined vehicles. Our product solutions and services enable vehicle manufacturers and suppliers to develop, operate, and secure differentiating vehicle software with increased efficiency.

Press contact ETAS GmbH

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Anja Krahl

Senior Manager Press and Public Relations