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The AUTOSAR Classic-based microcontroller platform solution

A laptop shows RTA-CAR’s ISOLAR configuration editor on its screen.

RTA-CAR (RTA-Classic AUTOSAR) is a high-performance, low-footprint, extensively configurable, safe, and secure AUTOSAR Classic basic software solution that is ready for series production. Hundreds of companies across the globe build billions of automotive ECUs for millions of vehicles using RTA-CAR. If you drive a car, you are probably driving one that uses RTA-CAR.

Your benefits

High performance

Optimized for resource-constrained, low-latency real-time series production environments.

Safe and secure

Developed to comply with industry standards and guidelines (ISO26262 up to ASIL-D, ISO/SAE21434, MISRA-C:2014, CERT C).

Right-sized everywhere

It works across all ECU types and vehicle domains, from small sensors to huge multi-core computers.

Integrated environment to configure the AUTOSAR Classic stack for your ECUs

The image illustrates the ETAS RTA-CAR workflow.
RTA-CAR – from OEM request to ECU software

> 4,000,000,000 ECUs

Our RTA software products have been used within vehicles for more than 20 years and run error-free on more than 4 billion developed ECUs.

RTA-CAR: your complete AUTOSAR classic solution

The graphic shows an overview of the complete AUTOSAR Classic solution from ETAS including ISOLAR A/B and the RTA-CAR product modules.

RTA-CAR provides a comprehensive solution that enables you to configure and generate AUTOSAR compliant ECU platform software. It is suitable for use across various automotive application domains, including body and comfort, vehicle dynamics, combustion and electric powertrain, gateways, and more. RTA-CAR excels in any ECU that has low latency and hard real-time requirements, while meeting automotive safety and security standards like ISO26262 ASIL-D, ISO21434, and UN-R155.

Download your RTA-CAR Solution now!

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With our AUTOSAR Classic Platform RTA-CAR you can have an one development framework for multiple OEM platforms, wide range of hardware support across many components like OS, HSM, MCAL, transceivers and switches. In addition, it is proven and reliable, qualified by several OEMs.

RTA-CAR: your AUTOSAR Classic platform solution at a glance

RTA-CAR includes a complete range of software modules and tools for the development of ECU software.

ISOLAR-A is a tool for designing AUTOSAR Classic architectures, systems, and application software.

  • Guided design for systems and application software for Classic AUTOSAR.
  • Works seamlessly with ISOLAR-B to cover the full AUTOSAR methodology, from system design to ECU configuration for both application and basic software.
  • Based on Eclipse and uses the Artop open-source AUTOSAR model framework for easy extensibility.
  • Supports AUTOSAR exchange formats, including system, ECU, and diagnostic extract.
  • Enables migration of legacy exchange formats such as DBC, Fibex, LDF, ODX, and Excel.
  • Scales to huge projects with thousands of configuration elements.

ISOLAR-B is a tool for configuring AUTOSAR basic software and orchestrating the RTA code generator suite.

  • Automates basic software configuration from system descriptions.
  • Works seamlessly with ISOLAR-A to cover the full AUTOSAR methodology, from system design to ECU configuration for both application and basic software.
  • Provides tool-guided support for complex use cases.
  • Enables easy configuration updates with incremental diff and merge functions.
  • Integrates seamlessly with ISOLAR-A for faster workflows.
  • Offers graphical views, like COM stack configurations, for easier project work.

RTA-BSW is a suite of modular code generators that produce AUTOSAR classic runtime software from your ARXML configuration.

  • One-box essential development kit: everything you need to build an AUTOSAR classic CAN-based ECU. Just add the OS, RTE & MCAL!
  • Extensible to fit your use cases: add-ons for Ethernet (RTA-ETH), FlexRay (RTA-FRAY), J1939 (RTA-J1939), Lin (RTA-LIN) protocol stacks, and security (RTA-SEC, RTA-ETH-SEC).
  • Optimized lock-free inter-partition communication solution (XCoreCDD).
  • Seamless integration with ETAS hardware security solutions (CycurHSM and CycurSOC) as well as third party security solutions.
  • Proven in use: trusted by the biggest OEMs and Tier1s across the globe as the foundation for their ECU applications.
  • Compatible with third party microcontroller abstraction layer (MCAL) solutions.

RTA-BSW: Core Stack

ETAS Product + Add-Ons AUTOSAR Cluster AUTOSAR Modules Included ETAS Extensions Included
(RTA-BSW Add-On: Rba_*)
ETAS Product + Add-Ons
AUTOSAR Modules Included
CanIf+, CanNm+, CanSM+, CanTp+, CanTrcv+*, Com+, ComXf, E2EXf, IpduM+, LdCom, Nm, PduR, Xcp
ETAS Extensions Included
(RTA-BSW Add-On: Rba_*)
Rba_ComStackCdd, Rba_XCoreCdd, rba_Xfrm
ETAS Product + Add-Ons
AUTOSAR Modules Included
Dcm, Dem, Dlt
ETAS Extensions Included
(RTA-BSW Add-On: Rba_*)
Rba_DemObdBasic (CARB)
ETAS Product + Add-Ons
Global Time
AUTOSAR Modules Included
CanTSyn, StbM
ETAS Extensions Included
(RTA-BSW Add-On: Rba_*)
ETAS Product + Add-Ons
AUTOSAR Modules Included
Bfx, Crc, Efx, E2E, Ifl Ifx, Mfl, Mfx
ETAS Extensions Included
(RTA-BSW Add-On: Rba_*)
ETAS Product + Add-Ons
AUTOSAR Modules Included
Ea, Fee, MemIf, Nvm
ETAS Extensions Included
(RTA-BSW Add-On: Rba_*)
Rba_EaFs2, Rba_FeeFs1x
ETAS Product + Add-Ons
Mode management
AUTOSAR Modules Included
BswM, EcuM
ETAS Extensions Included
(RTA-BSW Add-On: Rba_*)
ETAS Product + Add-Ons
AUTOSAR Modules Included
WdgIf, WdgM
ETAS Extensions Included
(RTA-BSW Add-On: Rba_*)
ETAS Product + Add-Ons
System Services
AUTOSAR Modules Included
ComM, Det, Fim
ETAS Extensions Included
(RTA-BSW Add-On: Rba_*)
Full support of AUTOSAR Post-Build Selectable (PBS) parameters - Limited support AUTOSAR Post-Build Selectable (PBS) parameters

RTA-BSW: Optimal Add-On Stacks

ETAS Product + Add-Ons AUTOSAR Cluster AUTOSAR Modules Included ETAS Extensions Included
(RTA-BSW Add-On: Rba_*)
ETAS Product + Add-Ons
AUTOSAR Modules Included
DoIP-, EthIf, EthSM, EthTrcv*, Sd-, SoAd-, SomeIpTp, SomeIpXf, TcpIp- (submodules: rba_EthArp,
rba_EthAutoIp, rba_EthDHCP, rba_EthDHCPv6, rba_EthICMP, rba_EthIPv4, rba_EthIPv6, rba_EthIcmpV6, rba_EthNdp, rba_EthTcp, rba_EthUd), UdpNm-
ETAS Extensions Included
(RTA-BSW Add-On: Rba_*)
ETAS Product + Add-Ons
Global Time
AUTOSAR Modules Included
ETAS Extensions Included
(RTA-BSW Add-On: Rba_*)
ETAS Product + Add-Ons
AUTOSAR Modules Included
TcpIp (submodules: rba_EthAh, rba_EthIke2, rba_EthIPsec, rba_EthTls)
ETAS Extensions Included
(RTA-BSW Add-On: Rba_*)
ETAS Product + Add-Ons
+ RTA-J1939
AUTOSAR Modules Included
J1939Nm+, J1939Rm, J1939Tp
ETAS Extensions Included
(RTA-BSW Add-On: Rba_*)
ETAS Product + Add-Ons
AUTOSAR Modules Included
ETAS Extensions Included
(RTA-BSW Add-On: Rba_*)
ETAS Product + Add-Ons
AUTOSAR Modules Included
LinIf+ (includes LinTp), LinSM-, (LinNM is part of Nm), LinTrcv*
ETAS Extensions Included
(RTA-BSW Add-On: Rba_*)
ETAS Product + Add-Ons
AUTOSAR Modules Included
FrIf+, FrNm, FrSM+, FrTp, FrTrcv*
ETAS Extensions Included
(RTA-BSW Add-On: Rba_*)
ETAS Product + Add-Ons
Global Time
AUTOSAR Modules Included
ETAS Extensions Included
(RTA-BSW Add-On: Rba_*)
ETAS Product + Add-Ons
AUTOSAR Modules Included
ETAS Extensions Included
(RTA-BSW Add-On: Rba_*)
ETAS Product + Add-Ons
AUTOSAR Modules Included
Csm, CryIf, Crypto, KeyM
ETAS Extensions Included
(RTA-BSW Add-On: Rba_*)
rba_CryptoCCL (for RTA-SWCL)
rba_CryptoHSM (for CycurHSM)
rba_CryptoAuSCS (for CycurSoC)
ETAS Product + Add-Ons
AUTOSAR Modules Included
ETAS Extensions Included
(RTA-BSW Add-On: Rba_*)
ETAS Product + Add-Ons
N / A
AUTOSAR Modules Included
N / A
ETAS Extensions Included
(RTA-BSW Add-On: Rba_*)
Full support of AUTOSAR Post-Build Selectable (PBS) parameters - Limited support AUTOSAR Post-Build Selectable (PBS) parameters

RTA-OS is the world’s smallest and fastest AUTOSAR OS:

  • Delivers best-in-class real-time performance and memory efficiency.
  • Supports a huge range of single and multicore microcontrollers.
  • Includes a virtual ECU development kit (VRTA) for rapid development without target hardware.
  • Excels in RAM-limited environments thanks to its patented single-stack implementation (reducing stack space by 50 to 80%).
  • Optional optimized IOC support educes multi-core inter-partition communication by up to 40% compared to the AUTOSAR standard.

Supported µC & SoCs

  • RCar A4x / ARM
  • RCar x3 R7 / ARM
  • RCar x3 R7 / GHS
  • RCar x4 R52 / GHS
  • RH850 / CS
  • RH850 / GHS
  • RH850 / WR
  • RH850x2 / GHS
  • RH850x2 / WR
  • V850E2 / GHS

  • IFXHSM / HighTec
  • TLE98xx-M3 / ARM
  • TraveoII M4,M7/ GHS
  • TraveoII M0 / GHS
  • TraveoII / WR
  • TriCore / HighTec
  • TriCore / GHS
  • TriCore / Tasking
  • TriCore / WR
  • TriCore-TC4xx / Tasking
  • TriCore-TC4xx / GHS
  • TriCore-TC4xx / HighTec

  • i.MX4 M4 / GHS
  • i.MX Mx / GHS
  • i.MXRT / GHS
  • PPCe200 / GHS
  • PPCe200 / HighTec
  • PPCe200 / WR
  • S32K1xx / GHS
  • S32K2,3 Mx / WR
  • S32K2,3 Mx / GHS
  • S32K2,3 Mx / GCC*
  • S32G-Mx / GHS
  • S32N-Mx / WR
  • S32N-R52 / WR
  • S32R-A53 / WR
  • S32Z-M33 / GHS
  • S32Z-R52 / GHS
  • S32Z-R52 / WR

  • PPCe200 / GHS
  • PPCe200 / HighTec
  • PPCe200 / WR
  • Stellar M4 / GHS
  • Stellar R52 / GHS

  • G9-R5 / IAR
  • V9-R5 / IAR
  • E3xxx / IAR
Texas Instruments
  • AM27R-Mx / GHS
  • AM27R-R5 / GHS
  • AM27R-R5 / WR
  • AM27R-R5 / TI
  • OMAP35x / ARM
  • DRA82x R5 / TI
  • TDA4VM R5 / TI
  • DRA82x R5 / GHS
  • TDA4 R5 / GHS
  • TDA4 Mx / GHS
  • TMS570 / TI

  • Ultrascale A5x / ARM
  • Ultrascale R5 / ARM
  • Ultrascale R5 / GCC
  • Ultrascale R5 / GHS
  • Ultrascale R5 / WR
  • Zynq / ARM

  • ARCEM / MW
  • ARCEM22 / MW

  • SA80M / GHS
  • SA80R / GHS

Further µC & SoCs
  • Flagchip FC7300-M7 / GHS
  • Fujitsu FR81 / Softune
  • Horizon J6E,J6P / GHS
  • Horizon J6B / GHS
  • Nvidia Orin FSI R52 / ARM
  • OLEA U5SP R52 / ARM
  • Qualcomm R52 / ARM
  • Socionext SC172-M32 / ARM
  • TeleChips TCC70-R5 / GHS
  • ThinkTech TTA8 M7 / HighTec
  • VisinexTek VS919-R5 / IAR
  • Zhixin Z20K14x / GHS

In development
  • Bosch SX60x-M7 / GHS
  • Chipower THA620x / GHS
  • Geosemi GM6 NXP S32N-R52 / GHS
  • Texas Instruments F29 / TI

* NXP GCC compile
Ports are listed as follows: Chip Family & CPU Core if relevant / Compiler
WR = WindRiver GHS = GreenHills TI = Texas Instruments
New RTA-OS ports are always in development. Please contact product management to discuss your needs.

RTA-RTE generates ECU communication infrastructure and real-time scheduling for all application software components and their interfaces between application software and basic software modules.

  • Highly optimizing code generator creates low footprint implements that can be up to 50% smaller than competing solutions.
  • Fast generation times to accelerate agile workflows.
  • AUTOSAR RIPS (RTE Implementation plug-in service) support as standard for custom extensions or legacy solution integration use-cases.
  • Accelerated inter-partition communication when used with RTA-OS.

RTA-CAR FSQP provides documentary support to help you argue functional safety when integrating RTA-CAR into your ECU.

  • No special “safety version” of RTA-CAR is required – it is built for ISO26262: ASIL-D as standard.
  • Safety manuals define best practice integration guidelines and assumptions of use (AoUs) to ease safety argumentation.
  • ISO26262 certificates and certificate reports.
  • Example tool classification (TCL) reports and guidance.

Webinar: a brief tour of RTA-CAR and how to get started

The diagram shows how ETAS RTA-CAR Starter kit can be used to configure automotive ECU modules, including CAN/CAN-FD, OBD/UDS, E2E, Ethernet, DoIP/SomeIP, and NvM. An ECU in the center of the image is connected to all these modules, illustrating smooth integration with the starter kit.

The world of AUTOSAR Classic can be complicated and confusing. In our webinar recording, ETAS experts explain the method behind the madness and how to use the RTA-CAR starter kit to get an experimental sandbox up and running within minutes.

Our RTA-CAR starter kit equips you with all necessary software tools, evaluation licenses, example software, and configurations to generate the reference application.

Complementary solutions

Additional solutions to help you build your ECU

Flash bootloader solution for ECU reprogramming on the assembly line and in-field use, integrating fully with RTA-CAR and AUTOSAR standard MCAL.

  • Integrates with RTA-CAR and security solutions like CycurHSM
  • Supports UDS re-programming via CAN as standard (via Ethernet or LIN on request)
  • General-purpose and OEM-Specific variants available

Full suite of GM Global-B Standard Utility Modules (SUMs)

  • Supports VIP22, VIP23, and VIP24 vehicle platforms
  • Integrates with RTA-CAR
Three core architectures for automotive software components: Master Core with RTA-OS, BSW, RTE, and trusted applications; Slave Core with hypervisor and trusted applications; and Slave Core with hypervisor, trusted applications, and Non-AUTOSAR code.

RTA-LWHVR (Lightweight Hypervisor) is an ECU partitioning solution for micro-controllers without hardware virtualization support into individual partitions

  • Low memory footprint and fast access times
  • Specifically optimized for use in automotive ECUs
  • Simultaneous and independent ECU development by different suppliers
    • Reduced integration effort of the individual software components
    • Protection of intellectual property between development partners
    • Protection against software errors due to function interaction
    • Support for homologation, where one part of the software must remain unchanged

RTA-HVR is an ECU partitioning solution for micro-controllers with hardware virtualization.

  • Partitioning kernel to allocate CPU cores and hardware features to virtual machines
  • Support for interrupt virtualization
  • Virtual device extension (VDE) mechanism supports peripheral sharing and creation of fully virtual devices (e.g. virtual busses)
  • Option to share a CPU core between multiple VMs

RTA-CCM is a Charge communication management solution for V2G applications.

  • Developed in collaboration with Alefbits
  • Supports ISO15118-2/-20 charge protocol (AC & DC charging, bi-directional power transfer (BPT), external identification (EIM) and Plug’n’Charge billing)
  • Supports ISO15118-3 low-level PLC communication (Qualcomm QAC700x, and Lumissil IS32CG5317 in development)
  • Integrates seamlessly with RTA-CAR

ETAS works closely with third-party solution providers to ensure that our solutions work smoothly with complimentary solutions. Examples includes (but are not limited to):

  • Infineon: ETAS is a reseller of the Infineon MC-ISAR solution
  • NXP: ETAS solutions support NXP’s CoreRide platform and integrate smoothly with the RTD and HSE drivers
  • RealTek: RealTek’s Ethernet switches driver software integrates seamlessly with ISOLAR-B
  • Gliwa: easy integration of the class-leading T1 tool suite brings state-of-the-art timing analysis to RTA-CAR
  • Lauterbach: RTA-OS and RTA-HVR provide support to enable multi-core and hypervisor-aware debugging with Lauterbach’s Trace32 solutions

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